My job is to research demands for
panko and embody them as a product.

Teruhiro Kanemoto
Production Engineering Division, R&D representative
Our job
Our main job is to develop new products, brush up existing products, research and inspect new ingredients, check product quality of each factory, make samples, and conduct basic research and practical research (R&D) for panko. I'm in charge of R&D.
I'm tackling "numerical and visible data of product characteristic" as a theme of practical research.

When we feel rewarded by our jobs
R&D division was established in 2016 to conduct basic and practical research for panko.
Since there are many tasks such as developing new technology of making bread, affiliating with university, etc., I can tackle these tasks by my approach. It is very rewarding.

My future goals
I believe that we would be required to not only produce tasty panko but also functional panko to meet customer demand which has been strict.
I would like to develop a new kind of panko which has a crispy texture even if it is not fried and has been sitting for a long time.
Although I'm mainly doing basic research right now due to lack of knowledge, I will make an effort to develop to practical research and lead new product development by accumulating basic research data on a daily basis.

Message for those who will join our company
Taking a look back on my job hunting, although I was worried about the future all the time, it was good opportunity to face myself.
Solve problems step by step, never compromise, and do your best!
We are looking forward to working with you!